You can be a Coach!

Managers and coaches volunteer their time and energy to guide every SEPLL team. The manager is the "Head Coach" and primarily responsible for manager of his or her team. A coach is an assistant to the manager. A manager usually selects one to two coaches to assist with the team. Managing and coaching is a rewarding experience and provides an excellent opportunity to be a positive role model for SEPLL's players, families and fans.

You say you've never coached before? Please don't fear volunteering. Many others have paved the way. SEPLL will provide training and connect you to other sources of training and information to get you started. We'll also be there to provide additional assistance along the way.

Ready to begin? Please start by registering yourself through the registration link on the home page.

Please also read and become familiar with SEPLL's safety information (under the About menu) and your division's rules (under the Coaches menu). You should also check out Little League's vast resources for information on managing and coaching.