Proof of School Attendance or Residence

To be eligible for All Star competition, all players must provide an original birth certificate plus either ONE proof of school attendance or THREE proofs of residence.

Proof of School Attendance

Players may establish and support school attendance with a school enrollment form.

Proof of Residence

Proof of residence requires producing documents containing the full residence which includes the name(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s), street address, city, state, and zip code information. The documents must be dated or in force between February 1 of the previous year and February 1 of the current year. One document must be provided from EACH of the following three groups:

Group 1

  • Driver’s License (photo ID of parent(s) or guardian(s) with qualifying residence address)
  • School records (home address of player’s parents or guardians)
  • Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)
  • Employment records
  • Insurance documents (with residence address)

Group 2

  • Welfare/child care records
  • Federal records (i.e., Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.)
  • State records
  • Local (municipal) records
  • Support payment records
  • Homeowner or tenant records
  • Military records

Group 3

  • Voter’s Registration
  • Utility bills (i.e., - gas, electric, water/sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)
  • Financial records (loan, credit, investments, etc.)
  • Medical records
  • Internet, cable, or satellite television records

IMPORTANT: Documents must be dated and show your complete address. Each document must come from a different group.

QUESTIONS? Please contact the Player Agent at