Selection of All-Star Teams & Players

Selection of Teams:

There is a considerable overlap of ages for players in the Minor and Majors Divisions. Players League Age 9, 10, and 11 are eligible for more than one All-Star team. Players will be considered for all teams for which they are eligible. Teams will be selected as follows:

First, SEPLL will select players for the 10-12 team among all eligible players. The goal is to select the most competitive team possible among all eligible players.

Second, SEPLL will select players for the 9-11 team. The goal is to select the most competitive team among all players not selected for the 10-12 team.

Third, SEPLL will select players for the 8-10 team. The goal is to select the most competitive team among all players not selected for the 10-12 and 9-11 teams.

Players League Age 11 and 12 who play only Intermediate (50/70) Baseball during the regular season are also eligible for the 10-12 team.

Selection of Players:

SEPLL selects players for All-Stars by a vote of the team managers based on their playing ability and availability.

Ability: A player’s ability is determined solely by the individuals making the team selections, including team managers, team coaches, and volunteer umpires.

Availability: A player must be available for all practices and games. Families must plan vacations and other commitments accordingly.

Alternates: Players not selected for an All-Star team may be placed in a pool to fill a vacancy if one arises and the Board of Directors decides to fill it.

Announcement: The Board of Directors must approve the final team rosters. Little League prohibits the release of names of the players selected before May 15.