May my child play with SEPLL?

Little League International is serious about maintaining the boundaries of local Little Leagues. Your child may play with SEPLL if they live in or attend school within SEPLL's boundary. Your child may also play for SEPLL if they played for SEPLL last year but have since moved out of our boundary.

Please view the SEPLL Boundary Map and utilize the Little League league finder to verify your child's eligibility.

Where may my child play if not within SEPLL's boundary?

Several Little Leagues border SEPLL: To the southwest is Southwest Little League; to the north is Hollywood Rose City Little League; to the northeast is Taborvilla Little League; and to the south is Mt. Hood Little League. Please use the Find My League tool to see exactly where you belong.

When and how do I register my kids?

Please register here.

Registration for the spring season begins around December 1. Registration for the fall season begins around August 1.

How much does it cost?

Please visit our Registration Fees page for information on our current fees and refund policy.

SEPLL runs Early Bird registration ($20 discount) through December 14. Our regular fees apply through February 29. On March 1, our fees increase by $20.

Note that for players in the Minor Divisions and above, we cannot guarantee a spot on a team if you register after assessments.

For players in the Tee Ball, Rookie and Farm Divisions, we cannot guarantee a spot on a team if you register after March 1.

Does SEPLL offer scholarships?

SEPLL grants partial or full scholarships to families in need upon request through the Kirk Huffstetler Memorial Scholarship Fund. It is SEPLL policy to never turn away a player because of an inability to pay registration fees. SEPLL asks families to pay what they can afford. Please see the Kirk Huffstetler Memorial Scholarship Fund for more information.

What is “League Age”? How do I figure it out?

“League age” refers to the age of your child according to Little League International's rules.

In baseball, a player's League Age is the age reached before September 1 in any given year. Thus, a player whose 9th birthday is on September 1 or later has a League Age of 8. A player whose 9th birthday is on August 31 or earlier of that year, has a League Age of 9.

In softball, a player's League Age is the age reached by December 31 of the previous year. Thus, a player whose 9th birthday is on January 1 or later has a League Age of 8. A player whose 9th birthday is on December 31 or earlier, has a League Age of 9.

Please use the League Age Calculator to determine your player's League Age.

What division is best for my child?

While there is some flexibility depending on a player's skill level, SEPLL's divisions generally consist of players with the following League Ages:

Baseball (boys and girls):

  • Tee Ball: 4-5
  • Rookie: 6-7
  • Farm: 8
  • Minor: 9-10
  • Major: 11-12
  • Intermediate (50/70): 12-13
  • Junior: 13-14

Softball (girls only):

  • Tee Ball: 4-5
  • Farm: 6-8
  • Minor: 9-11
  • Major: 10-12
  • Junior: 12-14

Please review the PROGRAMS tab on our home page to find the division that will best suit your player.

IMPORTANT: League Age is not the same as actual age. Please see the previous FAQ.

My child wants to play with friends. Is that possible?

In the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm divisions, SEPLL does its best to create teams by grouping children according to their neighborhoods and schools, while also ensuring a relative balance of ages among the teams. We will do our best to honor requests to play with friends or a specific coach, but we cannot make any guarantees.

In the Minor, Major, Intermediate (50/70), and Junior divisions, SEPLL does not accept requests to play with friends or on specific teams.

Does my kid have to attend assessments? When? Where?

SEPLL has different divisions based on age and skill.

If a child wants to play in the Minor, Major, Intermediate (50/70), or Junior divisions (League Age 9 and up), they MUST attend one assessment session. Assessments generally take place in mid to late February. Please see our homepage for the latest information.

Players in the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm divisions do not attend assessments.

Is my child guaranteed a spot on a team?

If you register on time, SEPLL will place your child on a team.

In the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm divisions, we will assign every child registered by March 1.

For all upper division players, we will assign every child registered at the time of assessments.

SEPLL creates waitlists for players that register after March 1 in the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm divisions, and after assessments in the upper divisions, and will assign players to teams if there are spots available.

Is my child guaranteed a spot in the Major, Intermediate (50/70), or Junior divisions?

It depends.

In baseball, players League Age 13 are guaranteed a spot in the Intermediate (50/70) division, and players League Age 12 are guaranteed a spot in the Major division. In Softball, players League Age 13 and 14 are guaranteed a spot in the Junior division, and players League Age 12 are guaranteed a spot in the Major division.

With these exceptions, a player's placement in these divisions is based on the number of players registered, the number of teams, assessments, and SEPLL's player selection system. If your child is not placed on a team in the Intermediate (50/70) or Junior division, they will be placed in the Major division. If your child is not placed on a team in the Major division, they will be placed in the Minor division.

Does my child need a uniform?

In the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm Divisions, SEPLL provides each player with a team shirt and hat that they may keep after the season. Players should wear their own comfortable pants (shorts are discouraged) and shoes. Cleats are not necessary.

In the Minor, Major, Intermediate (50/70), and Junior Divisions, SEPLL provides each player with a team jersey and hat that they may keep after the season. Players must provide their own pants and cleats.

Does my child need their own equipment?

Players are encouraged to provide their own glove. SEPLL provides each team with bats, balls, helmets, and other equipment necessary to play. Players may also bring their own. Before buying a baseball bat, please review this information on the USA Baseball Bat Standard.

What about a protective cup?

We strongly encourage all boys to wear a cup during all games and practices. All boys must wear a protective cup to play the position of catcher.

When does the season begin?

SEPLL will announce teams in early March. Team managers will schedule their own practices beginning in mid-March. Games typically begin the first or second Saturday in April.

When does the season end?

In the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm divisions, the season usually ends on the Saturday just before school ends and no later than mid-June.

In the Minor, Major, Intermediate (50/70), and Junior divisions, the regular season ends by mid-June.

For players League Age 9 and up who are selected for and wish to participate on SEPLL's postseason All Star and Honors teams, players must commit to playing through the end of their tournament. Tournaments begin between mid-June and early July and, depending on a team's success, may continue through mid to late July.

How often will my team practice?

Each coach is responsible for scheduling their own practices so schedules will vary. Most teams will practice 1-2 times per week.

When will we get a schedule?

We will post schedules in late March.

How many games will we play?

Little League requires that all teams play a minimum of 12 games per season. SEPLL schedules approximately 14 games for teams in the Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm divisions. In the Minor divisions and above, teams will be scheduled to play approximately 16-24 games.

When are the games?

When are the games? Teams typically play 2 games per week. One game will be on a weekday starting at 6 pm. A second game will be on Saturday between 9 am and 6 pm.

Do teams play doubleheaders?

Little League does not allow teams in the Minor Division and below to play doubleheaders. Teams in the Major Division and above may play doubleheaders.

Where do we play games?

Games may be played at any field within the boundaries of SEPLL or our neighboring leagues. SEPLL generally plays games at the following locations:

  • Tee Baseball and Softball: Woodstock Park
  • Rookie Baseball: Woodstock Park
  • Farm Baseball: Woodstock Park
  • Minor Baseball: Brooklyn Park and Essex Park, as well as neighboring leagues' fields.
  • Major baseball: Essex Park and Brooklyn Park, as well as neighboring leagues' fields.
  • Intermediate (50/70) baseball: Essex Park, as well as neighboring leagues' fields.
  • Softball: Woodstock Park and Sewallcrest Park, as well as neighboring leagues' fields.

Here is a link to maps of the fields of SEPLL and our neighboring leagues: Field Locations

How will I know if a game is rained out?

SEPLL plays most of its games on fields controlled by Portland Parks and Recreation. Portland Parks determines whether specific fields are rained out by 3:30 pm on weekdays and 1:30 pm on Saturdays and updates the rainout line at 503-823-3020, ext. 4. Your manager will notify you directly if a game is rained out.

Can I be a manager or coach? Team parent? Board member? Sponsor?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes! SEPLL is a 100% nonprofit and volunteer organization. All managers, coaches, team parents, umpires, scorekeepers, board members, and many others volunteer their time.

  • Everyone is welcome to be a Board Member—attend one of our meetings and check it out.
  • We need Managers and Coaches for all divisions.
  • We need umpires for the Minor, Major, Intermediate (50/70), and Junior divisions.
  • We need team parents for all teams. You can let your coach know you want to be a team parent when they contact you for the first practice.

I still have questions.Who do I contact?

Please email us at info@sepll.org