Farm Baseball Rules

The Official Little League Rules and Regulations for Baseball Divisions apply. The following highlights some of those rules and makes modifications as determined appropriate by the SEPLL Board of Directors.


Games may not last more than 1 hour and 30 minutes from their scheduled start time. (LL Rules, VII(h))

Innings end after 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever occurs first. (LL Rules, 2.00, Inning; 5.07, Minor League)

No official or unofficial scores or league standings shall be kept. (LL Rules, VII(h); 1.02)


All teams must use a continuous batting order, meaning that the entire rosters of players present must be placed in the batting order. (LL Rules, 2.0, Batting Order; 4.04, Note 1, Note 2)

There is no on-deck circle allowed in Little League. Under no circumstances shall any player have a bat in hand until the player is wearing a Little League approved batting helmet, an adult is immediately present, and it is time for the player to bat. (LL Rules, 1.08, Note 1)

Only the first batter of each half-inning is permitted outside the dugout between half-innings. (LL Rules, 1.08, Note 2)

Bat boys and bat girls are not permitted.  (LL Rules III(b))

Batters may not bunt. The penalty for this infraction is to call the attempt (regardless of whether contact is made) a strike and return the batter to the batter’s box. If it is attempted on the batter’s last pitch, the batter is out. (Note: If the batter takes a full swing and puts the ball in play, the batter may advance to first base regardless of how far the ball travels.)


Runners may not lead off or steal and must stay in contact with their base until the batter hits the ball. No advance is allowed by stealing or on passed balls.

Any runner between bases after a hit ball must stop at the next base when the ball is in control in the infield. (LL Rules 7.13, Note; District 2 Baseball Interleague Rules)


All players present may play in the field. (LL Rules, 4.01(d), Note 1)

Except the pitcher and catcher, any fielder may be stationed anywhere in fair territory. (LL Rules 4.03(c))  Note: Coaches are encouraged to play their players in traditional positions.

The infield fly rule does not apply. (LL Rules, 2.00, Infield Fly, Note 2)


Coach pitch or machine pitch is allowed, with a maximum of 4 pitches per at bat.

If a batted ball hits the pitching machine, the ball remains in play.


The offensive team is allowed three adult coaches on the field, one in the 1st base coach's box, one in the 3rd base coach's box and one in proximity of home plate for instructional purposes. (LL Rules, XIV(c)(d); 4.05)

The defensive team may have coaches on the playing field for instructional purposes. (LL Rules, XIV(d), Exception)

A coach or team parent must be in the dugout with the players at all times. (LL Rules XIV(d); 4.05(2))


Both managers are to umpire each game.

Managers may warn or disqualify, with or without a warning, any player for any conduct which presents a safety hazard. This includes losing control of or intentionally throwing bats or helmets, among other actions. Managers have discretion to assess the penalty deemed appropriate given the circumstances.